Healthy Diet, Healthy Teeth

variety of sliced limes, lemons, and kiwis

Everyone knows that a healthy diet helps promote whole-body health, but a healthy diet can also promote oral health. Certain foods can help build healthier teeth and gums, while certain foods can take away from your oral health and lead to periodontal disease. To help you have a healthy diet for healthy teeth, here’s our…

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5 Cavity Myths Busted!

When it comes to dental health problems, cavities are unfortunately quite common. And yet there’s still quite a bit of confusion about cavities, what causes them, and when they are most likely to occur.  That’s why we’re addressing 5 common cavity myths.  1. If I have a cavity, I’ll feel it.  Busted! Not necessarily. Cavities…

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Are You At Risk For Gum Disease

You might be tempted to overlook bad breath or bleeding gums as a minor inconvenience. But these persisting symptoms could be signs of a more serious dental condition. Gum (periodontal) disease often starts as gingivitis, a bacterial infection that causes gum inflammation. If left untreated, the seemingly harmless gum inflammation can turn into periodontitis and…

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The Importance of Regular Dental Check-Ups


Preventive care can save you money (and pain). No one likes to get cavities! Dental cleanings and check-ups every six months play a significant role in keeping your teeth and gums healthy. Your hygienist spots potential problems well before they develop, saving you from procedures that cost much more than a cleaning — like root…

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The Dangers of Periodontal Disease


The first symptoms of periodontal disease may not be easy for you to recognize. It isn’t too difficult to overlook your bleeding gums and bad breath — especially if you’re a smoker — because these symptoms often come and go for long periods of time. But these early warning signs may indicate bigger problems ahead.…

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Age One Dental Visit


When parents or caregivers mistakenly say, “They are only baby teeth, they are going to fall out anyway” they have the wrong impression. The Age One Dental Visit sets the tone for lifelong dental health. The fact is, primary teeth serve as the guides for the permanent teeth and are critically important to the health…

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You Have Options for Replacing a Lost Tooth


If you’re missing a tooth, you’ve got several options. The least advisable is to do nothing! It’s not just about aesthetics…Replacing a lost tooth is important to restoring maximum function, maintaining the alignment of surrounding teeth, and preserving facial contours. Your pearly whites don’t just look pretty, they are important place holders for each other.…

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It’s Easy (and Smart) to Fix a Chipped Tooth


A chipped tooth makes an impression — but not necessarily a good one! Case in point:  Jim Carrey’s dopey character Lloyd Christmas in the comic films “Dumb and Dumber” and its sequel. Lloyd’s chipped front tooth was a deliberate choice by the actor to make his character appear more “deranged” every time he opened his…

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Tooth Loss Associated With Higher Risk for Heart Disease


Reason for link between teeth, gums and heart health is still unclear, researcher says. For adults, losing teeth is bad enough, but tooth loss is also associated with several risk factors for heart disease, a large international study suggests. These heart disease-related risk factors include diabetes, obesity, high blood pressure and smoking. For the study,…

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