asheville oral surgery

Oral Surgery

asheville oral surgery

Sometimes even the best preventive care can’t eliminate the need for surgery. We offer everything from extractions to wisdom tooth removal to gum surgery to implants. We perform these surgeries with as little pain as possible to assure a quick recovery.

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When you need oral surgery, you want the most skilled and experienced dentists you can find. You don’t want to suffer during the process, and you expect a quick recovery. We couldn’t agree more—we’ve performed thousands of oral surgeries for many different conditions. Our primary goal is to perform the surgery gently and thoroughly so you can heal quickly and get back to your life.

Extraction Services

We extract both adult and baby teeth and most erupted wisdom teeth. If you have a missing tooth, we can also replace it surgically using dental implants.

Sometimes a tooth becomes so badly infected that we cannot repair it, so we remove it to prevent the infection from spreading to other parts of the body.

Any time we remove a tooth we limit the trauma of the tissue and surrounding bone to allow for quicker healing and less discomfort.

Bone Grafts

When teeth are removed, a bone graft placement is a best practice in dentistry, which is why we recommend the procedure. The missing roots are replaced with bone materials that promote natural bone growth consistent with your bone cells. This helps provide healthy, strong bone for support of a dental implant.

The Musculoskeletal Transplant Foundation (MTF) supplies all our bone graft material. The MTF bone bank has the highest screening donor standards than any other bone bank in the country.

Gum Surgery

The SIROLaser™ tissue laser is the tool we use for minor gum surgery. Using the laser eliminates the placement of stitches after surgery. The laser also means less discomfort and provides more rapid healing than traditional techniques.

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